The story begins during the early years of my life when I developed and enjoyed a diverse pallet which I have been able to build on during my lifelong culinary experiences. The exciting and sometimes challenging effort towards bringing slice pizza to market has been worth every second. This trip has rewarded me with meeting some of the most exceptional icons in the restaurant industry for which I am extremely humbled and will always remember.

Slice pizza made to order started in my kitchen as an idea to create the first drive thru pizza locations in the world in quick service time. I purchased a commercial pizza oven which I placed on a stainless table with rollers where I would slide the kitchen stove out, roll it over and then plug into the outlet. To achieve the speed needed I broke pizza down to a single serve item like a hamburger and created the first individual pizza slices made to order. During the pizza and pan testing I had several large, coated pizza pans cut and formed for slice pan testing. We were getting breakneck speed because of the geometric shape of a slice which made me wonder if I would be infringing on an existing patent for the slice pan. I hired two law firms to conduct patent searches and work together on drafting a utility and design patent which both have recently been issued by the United States Patent Office.

This story is much more than a pan and slice pizza. Pizza is the number two category behind hamburgers with basically zero drive thru’s and zero with an individual item prepared in quick service time. The ability to have pizza as an option aside from hamburgers, chicken and Mexican while mobile is priceless. We are looking for that fun mark of 20,000,000 slices sold.

We were very lucky to acquire the name Slice Nation which fits the way we feel, as we are all one.  Who doesn’t like pizza? I have been extremely fortunate in gathering a great team with some of the most talented and guest centric quality people that the hospitality industry has produced. Mine is just a dream and the people on the team (family) are the ones that make that dream a reality for all. We love that guests can pick whatever ingredients they choose and have a slice truly made-to-order fast, actually “the fastest”.

Please be patient as we procure properties and charter this endeavor.

Mark Goddard

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